
Thursday 18 October 2012

Rough white box blockout

from the mock up sketch of the level map we produced i began to work on a rough blockout of a chosen section as building the whole level later down the line would be too much work. the blockout only goes up to the prison cell entrance for now, but i will extend it to the prison complex at a later date, for now we have a good blockout of the cave with the first part of the facility to play with our mechanics in.

Start of level in ice cavern looking into the cavern and viewing first sight of the facility building with the window.

Corner of ice cavern leading into the entrance of the facility.

First corridor and 2 rooms of the facility, the far room is the room which the window was part of at the cavern beginning.

Stairs leading up to a bigger room.

the big open double curved stairwell leading up to near the prison and holding cell complex.

lobby room before the security room (to the right) and the security control and lab (ahead)

 View of blockout level.

Prison block is the onl thing missing out so far, once that is added in to the blockout build then that is a rough  layout build of the section we will have for our game. many iterations will change over the course of furthering this level, such as scale, architecture, room shape and design etc.

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